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Making an album with GGCC choirs!

So back in July we travelled to Bristol for a day of recording. The four Bristol GGCC choirs were joined by St Matt's Cats choir from Torquay and Riverside Gospel choir from Feltham, the mission, to record 4 songs in just a few hours! It was a great day!!! Carey was the engineer for the project, both on the day and in the studio afterwards doing all the mixing and mastering. Geraldine led the choirs through all the songs, helping direct diction, tone and also keeping energy levels up. The title of the EP is 'Sing our way home' and this was a song Geraldine & Carey wrote with their good friend Deborah Hines. All the choirs did so well and we're all really pleased with the end result. It's due to be officially released at the Sing 2019 conference in Bristol on 12th October. You can pre-order a copy for £5 + £1.65p&p from GGCC website Here's a little video from the day made by our good friend Var Smallwood from Telling Tales Films (

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